it's about time i actually put some use to this little website to talk about junk. it's not much for now, but that's probably the best place for start for a blog, i think? i sorta made this website/blog as an attempt at getting into being more... loose with tasks, projects, creative endeavors and whatever else comes to mind. taking more time to let things come naturally

at the same time, i've always been extra picky with how and why something looks or works how it does. i'm not really a blog person, usually! along with that, i come from a computer science background, but keeping up with practice or having projects to actually STICK to that has never been my strong suit, so i always end up having to relearn stuff over and over. it feels weird having a thing to mold and not having any constraints, requirements or specific guidelines for how to do it, besides what i decide to learn and want to say. that kind of freedom is particularly dizzying

i'll find my groove eventually, but that's probably the magic of having this hosting service, isn't it? just being able to do whatever you wanna do with your own private space. i was originally gonna make this blog about game junk that's been on my mind- and i'm building up the topics too. i talked about it very briefly in my about page, but the OTHER reason i made this spot was to just ramble about games in general.

video games (besides many other hobbies) are probably one of the main outlets i've had growing up for my creative inspirations, and in recent time, i've thought a lot about how and why they're made the way they are, who plays them, and the culture around stuff like that. as competitive experiences (i go to fighting games for this), time capsules, creative outlets, and just.. everything, there's always something to explore. i've never really wanted to be a streamer or a video essayist or whatever, so this fills that niche for me, in a way.

it feels funny thinking about how i'll draft up my next blog post, lol- but i'm already having fun throwing myself at this like a hobby. kinda curious to see how i'll have shaped this in... a month or two? maybe half a year? if i can share my thoughts and fun projects with people, then i think i'm already doing a good job
