
hi there! i'm magic_pixl, or just pixl. i'm a twenty something that's too scatterbrained for my own good, but trying my best. thanks for stopping by!

i made this website for many reasons- to try my hand at web design, to have a place to jot down my thoughts, and otherwise feel the freeflowing influence of whatever creative interests strike me. when i'm not working on stuff here, i'm either drawing, composing chiptune music, playing some kind of obscure game, worldbuilding, or throwing myself at some kind of computer-related junk. i bounce around all of these hobbies from time to time, so sticking to one place to shove all of it is a way to ground myself, maybe?

i hope you find something interesting here! i'm still figuring things out, of course!

Main Interests: Fighting Games, Homestuck, Touhou, When They Cry (Higurashi/Umineko), Megaman, TTRPGs + JRPGs, Art + Composing Music, Jazz/Bossa Nova/Drum and Bass, Programming